How to get more followers on LinkedIn

by Taline Badrikian posted in Tools, Tips, and Resources, Social Media

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As a small business owner you can't afford to sit on the sidelines of the online marketing trend. The difficulty is, of course, that marketing budgets are not always readily available or robust. Fortunately, some marketing channels offer great potential for results without the need for a huge financial investment. One such starting point is LinkedIn.

A strictly professional platform, LinkedIn is a great resource for small business owners looking for other professional contacts and potential new customers. Using LinkedIn is also a great way to find business partners, new hires, and interns alike. Like learning to swim, it can seem daunting at first to just dive into the deep end, but once you've learned to float, staying active on LinkedIn becomes second-nature. Here are a few tips to get more followers on LinkedIn:

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How to Increase Visibility for Company Pages on LinkedIn

by Taline Badrikian posted in Social Media

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Company pages on LinkedIn serve as an extension of a business' website. It's a great social sharing site that offers a cost effective way to network and strengthen your business relationships. Unlike other social channels, you won't be SPAMMED with check-ins at the gym and farm game requests, LinkedIn is strictly business. However, just having a presence is not enough. In order to get the most out of LinkedIn, you need to actively participate. Below are the best ways to stay active on LinkedIn and increase the visibility of your business.

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