How to Navigate Google SEO in an AI-Powered World

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO, AI - Artificial Intelligence

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It's hard to overstate the impact Google has had on the modern world, particularly when it comes to digital marketing and search engine optimization. Google is still the reigning champion, netting around 8.5 billion daily searches globally. But how did we find that out? By Googling it, of course. 

If you ask, "How many searches on Google per day?" a new tab with the title "AI Overview" will appear below your query. The exact text in this AI-generated bubble reads, "Google processes roughly 8.5 billion searches per day, or 5.9 million searches every minute. This is based on the average person conducting 3–4 searches per day."

So, if you just wanted the stat and nothing else, you could get it and move on with your day. However, the AI bubble also provides sources (e.g., and Semrush) for this information. This way, if you want to verify the data or get a backlink, you can still do it. 

That said, the existence of this AI-generated search result is poised to become a game-changer. If you rely on search engine traffic (as most businesses and websites do), it's time for change.

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Top 5 Takeaways From the Google Algorithm Leak

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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One of the most valuable marketing tactics is search engine optimization (SEO), and the only search engine that really matters is Google.

Unfortunately, Google is notoriously tight-lipped about how its all-important algorithm works, making it hard to craft a guaranteed-to-win SEO strategy.

That all changed, though, when Google's internal documents about SEO were leaked on March 13th, 2024

These documents not only show that public statements Google has made about its algorithm conflict with reality, but they also give marketers a rare glimpse "behind the curtain" to understand how the search engine works.

This is the first (and possibly only) time we've seen the company's inner workings.

With that in mind, let's break down five critical takeaways from the Google algorithm leak and what they could mean for your marketing strategy.

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Tips For Ranking Higher With SEO and AI

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO, AI - Artificial Intelligence

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These days, search engine optimization (SEO) is as relevant and valuable as ever. Google and other search engines are regularly updating their algorithms, so it's imperative for your brand to keep up with these changes. 

Thankfully, now that artificial intelligence and machine learning programs are available to the masses, optimizing your website and landing pages has never been easier. So, let's break down how SEO and AI can work together to bring you more traffic and convert more leads.

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SEO Services: What Am I Actually Getting?

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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Search engine optimization (SEO) services have been around for a long while now, but the nature of SEO is ever-changing. This means that the nature of what constitutes effective SEO services changes frequently and it's critical for you to understand whether the SEO services being offered by a company match current best practices and the needs of your company.

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How SEO Drives Inbound Digital Marketing

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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To drive the right kind of new sales leads to your business, you need to develop an effective inbound marketing pipeline. In the modern digital era, this pipeline looks more like a funnel, and SEO plays a highly important role when it comes to funneling prospective customers to your company website.

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How to Get People to Leave a Google Review

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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As you consider SEO basics, like utilizing the very best keywords for your target audience and creating content that resonates with your readers, be equally motivated to focus on what others are saying about you -- we're talking about Google reviews

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What Are the Best Apps to Use for Keyword Research?

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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The process of doing keyword research is an essential part of SEO. High-quality keywords are one of the best, most effective strategies for generating continuous, quality traffic to your website.

This holds true whether you’re reviving an existing blog or designing a content plan for a new one.

In order to assist you in making the most of your content, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 keyword research tools available on the market today, including their top features.

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Google Business Profile and How It Impacts Local SEO

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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Google Business Profile is one of the tools you have to help people find your business online. It’s a free tool and functions like a directory listing in Google. You build your profile by providing information about your business -- hours, location, products or services you offer -- and this enables you to show up on Google Search and Google Maps when someone seeks out the services or products you offer. 

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Should Your Company Use Negative SEO (and If Not, Why Not?)?

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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You likely know what SEO is, but have you ever heard of “Negative SEO”? 

Very simply, negative SEO is the process of using black hat SEO techniques to harm a competitor’s website.

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eCommerce SEO Tactics You Need to Know

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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If you're an online retailer, you know how important search engine optimization is. Not only does SEO help attract customers to your website, it improves your search ranking results and the visibility of your eCommerce website, thereby increasing sales.

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