Tips For Ranking Higher With SEO and AI

by Taline Badrikian

These days, search engine optimization (SEO) is as relevant and valuable as ever. Google and other search engines are regularly updating their algorithms, so it's imperative for your brand to keep up with these changes. 

Thankfully, now that artificial intelligence and machine learning programs are available to the masses, optimizing your website and landing pages has never been easier. So, let's break down how SEO and AI can work together to bring you more traffic and convert more leads.

How to Use AI for SEO Purposes

A big reason why companies struggle with SEO is that there are so many different elements, and optimizing each one takes time. Now, AI software can handle most of these details in a matter of minutes or hours, so there's no reason not to utilize the latest SEO techniques.

Here's a breakdown of all the ways AI can help you maximize your ranking on search results. 

Keyword Generation and Analysis

Keywords are the backbone of SEO marketing, so the more effort you put into keyword research, the better. Today, the best strategy is to focus on niche-specific keywords and phrases. So, instead of trying to rank for a generic keyword like "SEO marketing," focus on something more unique, like "SEO marketing for small e-commerce businesses."

AI can help discover primary and secondary keywords quickly and reliably. Best of all, these programs will develop this list based on actual user activity and engagement. So, instead of guessing what might drive traffic to your website, get a curated list of keywords that are virtually guaranteed to deliver results. 

Artificial intelligence can also tell you which of the keywords being used already are getting the most traction. This way, you can cut out anything that doesn't boost your online presence and invest in high-traffic keywords instead. 

Competitor Research and Analysis

One of the main challenges businesses face with SEO marketing is the stiff competition from other brands. Depending on the keywords being optimized, you could be competing against SMBs and giant corporations. So, you need to know what your competitors are doing so you can make your pages unique and more captivating. 

AI can handle this research automatically and provide you with detailed analytical breakdowns. Tools like Google Analytics 4 allow you to see details like where most of their traffic originates and which keywords are driving the most engagement. From there, you can determine the different ways your brand can differentiate itself from others. For example, maybe you can drill down to a more specific niche, or perhaps you can offer better content than the competition. 

Internal Linking

One way search engines know how to rank your website is based on your link network. A healthy, optimized site has an extensive network of both internal and external links. However, managing this network is time-consuming, especially when you update specific pages on your site. 

For example, if you change the URL of one page, that could create broken links to any other page linking to it. So, you have to go through and re-link everything so it all works. Thankfully, AI can now handle much of that detail work automatically. 

AI programs can also provide better insight into how you can optimize your link structure and hierarchy. For example, changing the anchor text of your links may make your site easier to crawl and index, thus helping it rank higher. 

Audience Research

Here is where AI really shines. Knowing the habits of your site visitors can provide you with valuable insight so you can convert more leads and generate more traffic. 

For example, you can see how people interact with your pages, which pages they visit the most, and where they're coming from (i.e., social media or a search engine). From there, you can determine which pages convert the most or get the most engagement and focus your attention on them. 

Audience research can also tell you when and why people bounce off of your site. This data helps you understand your site's limitations and empowers you to fix any issues. For example, maybe people leave because the page speed is too slow. Or, perhaps your landing page doesn't match the ad linking to it, so people don't realize it's for the same product or service. 

Overall, the more information you can gather from your audience, the easier it is to update your site to cater to them. As you make your site more captivating and user-friendly, people are more likely to return again and again. 

Voice Search Capabilities

Smart devices are becoming far more popular these days, with Alexa and Siri dominating the marketplace. One side effect of these gadgets is the rise of voice searches. In fact, a quarter of all Google searches are voice-activated. In this case, someone asks Alexa or Siri a question, and the program conducts an online search for the user. Typically, only the top result is mentioned, meaning it's far more critical to claim that spot. 

So, when optimizing landing pages, you can incorporate more keywords that may occur when someone verbally asks a question instead of typing it into a search bar. This way, those pages are more likely to come up in a voice search result. Best of all, because this is a relatively untapped market (for now), there's a lot of potential for boosting your site traffic and brand awareness. 

Leverage the Power of SEO and AI With Our New Tool

Optimizing your website doesn't have to be a time-consuming chore. With our SEO toolkit, you can update your site quickly and efficiently and keep it optimized, even as search engines change their algorithms. If you're ready to start taking advantage of SEO and AI, download our toolkit, get started with the SEO basics and change your business for the better. 

Topics: SEO, AI - Artificial Intelligence

Taline Badrikian

Written by Taline Badrikian

Taline is the founder of Laveh Inbound Marketing. Using modern marketing concepts without the hefty price tag, Taline has a history of leading small businesses to explosive growth.