When you first begin wading into the world of twitter marketing you are likely feeling one of two ways:
1. Amazed and inspired by the incredible tides of hashtagging trends and the unending possibilities of connections the social media world can bring to your business.
2. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of hoops you have to jump through in order to be successful, as well frustrated by how darn hard it is to "get something to go viral."
There's a chance that you're feeling a little from column A and a little from column B. No matter what, you're still going to need some help from an expert if you want to skip up the steep learning curve of social media marketing and be successful right away. And that's where we come in with this free marketing advice:
If you want to be the best at something you have to learn from the best. Before you launch or update your business' current twitter presence, the best approach is to become a lurker first. In fact, you should continue to observe the twitter behavior of successful business in the same industry as yours even after you start to be great at it. Twitter is a dynamic platform and keeping your game up to date requires the know-how of those who keep up with innovative marketing trends. Here's how you can pick the brains of all the twitter marketer bosses for absolutely free:
Know which hashtags to track, and start following them today.
Seriously. Some of the absolute best free marketing advice to be had is easy to scroll through on your phone via the twitter app. It's that easy. There's one part that's not so easy, but we're here to help with that. You have to know the right hashtags to follow. Otherwise, you'll find yourself mired in the bog of boring, repetitive advice. You can track these hashtags manually by using the search function on twitter, or you can try using a service like Twubs, or Tweetdeck to help you track what's being said.
If you need to know about branding.
#brand #branding #yourbrand #personalbrand #brandchat
If you need know about digital marketing.
#digitalmarketing #bufferchat #digital #omnichannel #socialmarketing #crowdmarketing #onlinemarketing #hootchat #mmchat
If you need to know free advice about general social media marketing.
#socialmedia #socialstrategy #socialmediamarketing #smm #smtips #linkedInMarketing #Linkedintip #LinkedIn #facebook #facebooktips #twittertips #snapchatmarketing #slideshare #viralmarketing #periscope #googleplus #pinterest #youtube #youtubemarketing #youtubetips #instagram #bufferchat
If you need to know about entrepreneurship and small business management.
#startup #startup #leanstartup #growth#entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #leadership #bootstrap #business #smallbiz #biztips #saas #growthhacking #growthhacker #success #innovation #creativity #b2b #b2c
If you need to know about SEO.
#analytics #seo #googleads #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #content #strategy #optimization #internetmarketing #smm #tweetdeck #hootsuite #tweetchat #ppcchat
If you need to know about sales.
#sales #leadgen #leads #leadgeneration #socialselling #crowdselling #b2bsales #b2csales
If you need to know about content marketing.
#content #contentmarketing #contentstrategy #blogging #bloggers #blog #blogtopic #blogtips #blogdesign #bloggingtools #wordpress #contentmarketingtips #visualcontent #infographic #infographics
The ability to glean every bit of valuable advice without sacrificing capital is one of the worst kept secrets of successful entrepreneurs. Once your social media game is where you want it to be, starting to actively tweet and participate in conversations using some of these marketing-friendly hashtags like #bufferchat #hootsuite and others, is one of the absolute best ways to network and spread awareness about your brand. The sheer amount of newbie missteps you can avoid by lurking and following these hashtags while you learn some of the tricks of the trade will be invaluable for your brand management. Then once you are a pro twitter marketer, you can turn around and begin to offer your own free twitter marketing advice to all your eager new followers.