Google Business Profile and How It Impacts Local SEO

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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Google Business Profile is one of the tools you have to help people find your business online. It’s a free tool and functions like a directory listing in Google. You build your profile by providing information about your business -- hours, location, products or services you offer -- and this enables you to show up on Google Search and Google Maps when someone seeks out the services or products you offer. 

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Affordable SEO: 7 Ways to Boost SEO Without Spending a Lot

by Taline Badrikian

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is a valuable tool for all businesses connecting with their clients online. But, many of today’s companies are finding budgetary cuts are necessary, and the question has changed. Instead of wondering how to incorporate SEO, many organizations are looking for affordable SEO practices they can implement themselves. 

Is affordable SEO possible? It most certainly is if you use the right tactic and the best tools to support your efforts.

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Search Engine Optimization Services: Worth the Cost?

by Taline Badrikian

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Search engine optimization services are boons to your business when implemented properly.

Among other things, SEO services can include keyword research, content marketing plans, and advertising (paid ad) plans, and a deep dive into your business to determine the best long-tail keyword opportunities.

What search engine optimization services can't do however is guarantee search engine ranking. Guaranteed ranking is an empty promise as it's just not possible. And if that guarantee is what you're counting on, the services may not be worth the cost.

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Should Your Company Use Negative SEO (and If Not, Why Not?)?

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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You likely know what SEO is, but have you ever heard of “Negative SEO”? 

Very simply, negative SEO is the process of using black hat SEO techniques to harm a competitor’s website.

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How Do You Deal with Negative Reviews?

by Taline Badrikian

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No matter how good your product or service is, no matter how comprehensive your customer service is, and no matter how much customer outreach your company does, negative reviews may be an inevitability for your business.

Knowing this, you should create a plan for how to deal with negative reviews, since trying to stifle them and/or hoping they won’t appear is unrealistic. Below are some tips for how you can deal with negative reviews. Use them to create templates to respond to your most vocal critics.

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ABM and Retargeting

by Taline Badrikian posted in Lead Generation

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Account-based marketing (ABM) is a B2B marketing strategy focused on the marketing opportunities found in your existing customer base and identifying potential customers similar to your existing customer base.

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Influencer Marketing

by Taline Badrikian posted in Social Media, Lead Generation

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Influencer marketing for marketing campaigns uses expertise, notoriety, the power of celebrity, and popularity on social media to build brand awareness through product endorsements, recommendations, mentions, and social media messages. Depending on the type of product or service, influencer marketing may also include lifestyle usage, such as a celebrity wearing a certain fashion brand.

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Top Ten Marketing Strategy Trends for 2023

by Taline Badrikian posted in Strategy and Planning

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Impactful marketing creates measurable success. Reaching a target audience requires marketing efforts across multiple channels and at all customer touchpoints. Developing a marketing strategy may seem a bit overwhelming. There are many choices, and marketing budgets are limited.  You really want to target your marketing campaigns and avoid wasting advertising dollars. To be more effective, work with a professional to develop your marketing plan and consider these top ten strategies.

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eCommerce SEO Tactics You Need to Know

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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If you're an online retailer, you know how important search engine optimization is. Not only does SEO help attract customers to your website, it improves your search ranking results and the visibility of your eCommerce website, thereby increasing sales.

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How to Improve Your Visual Search Optimization

by Taline Badrikian posted in SEO

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In the past year, visual search has increased substantially in popularity and importance. It's most commonly used by e-commerce websites and image-based social media platforms to make it easier for users to shop for goods and connect with one another. That said, early metrics indicate that many verticals will use visual search to find information in the future, making it one of the most critical strategies to learn right now.

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